The 2022 Service Academy Gender Relations Survey (2022 SAGR): Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security Results and Trends report contains results from the 2022 SAGR conducted from March 21, 2022 through April 22, 2022. As in prior years, the 2022 SAGR surveyed cadets and midshipmen of the three Department of Defense Military Service Academies (MSAs) (US Military Academy [USMA], US Naval Academy [USNA], US Air Force Academy [USAFA]), and cadets of the USCGA. This Results and Trends report focuses on MSA students responses to the SAGR in the past academic program year and over time. The principal purpose of the 2022 SAGR is to measure, analyze, and report estimated prevalence rates of sexual assault and rates of sex based military equal opportunity (MEO) violations (sexual harassment and gender discrimination) among MSA students in the past academic program year. The SAGR survey also serves to assess attitudes and perceptions about programs and policies designed to reduce the occurrence of these unwanted behaviors and improve the climate of gender relations at the academies.
Note: Prior to 2025, OPA research products used the term “gender” to describe men and women. These groups were defined using survey items and/or administrative data categories for “male” and “female”; therefore, references to gender should be understood to mean “sex”.