The 2021 QuickCompass of Sexual Assault Response Personnel (2021 QSAR): Overview Report was designed to provide insights about Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) personnel at military installations worldwide. Survey respondents were Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs), Victim Advocates/Uniformed Victim Advocates (VAs/UVAs), Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC), Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC), and Special Victims’ Paralegal (SVP). The 2021 QSAR provides important information to the Department of Defense on sexual assault responders’ training, their access to and relationships with command and other professionals, their perceptions of resources provided to victims, the support they receive in their profession, and their personal wellbeing. The 2021 QSAR, administered via the web between June 8 and July 20, 2021, is the fifth survey of this population following four previous iterations conducted from 2009 through 2018.
2021 QSAR results were mixed. Participants reported increased stressors related to rising levels of burnout, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue and clarifying policy surrounding cases involving foreign nationals and expedited transfers. However, sexual assault responders experienced high levels of supportive, healthy working relationships with local commanders and satisfaction with the training and certification they receive. Sexual assault responders reported confidence in assisting both female and male victims and clarity on SAPR policies and procedures.
Note: Prior to 2025, OPA research products used the term “gender” to describe men and women. These groups were defined using survey items and/or administrative data categories for “male” and “female”; therefore, references to gender should be understood to mean “sex”.