In addition to survey items (i.e., demographics, retention, satisfaction, tempo, stress, and readiness) used in all Status of Forces Surveys (SOFS), the 2014 SOFS-A included items on deployments since September 11, 2001, Military OneSource, and general financial health. Items on the following topics were also included: military life, details on OPS/PERSTEMPO, details on readiness, relatives serving in the Armed Forces, programs and services, commissaries and exchanges, education, transition assistance, health and well-being, health care, tobacco, attitudes toward drinking alcohol, child care, Thrift Savings Plan, and the milConnect website. Hot-button items were also included as requested by the following policy offices: Military Community & Family Policy to assess military-provided education centers and programs; Health Affairs to assess use of supplements and the Operation Supplement Safety program; and Military Personnel Policy to assess religious accommodation. The Defense Research, Surveys, and Statistics Center (RSSC) also included items to assess technology used to take the survey and survey burden.