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The 2015 Survey of Active Duty Spouses (2015 ADSS) covers a range of topics (e.g., financial well-being, overall health, life in the military, spouse unemployment, and use of military-provided resources) that affect active duty spouses and their families. Previously, Blue Star Families released the results for a survey it conducts in partnership with Syracuse University's Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF): the 2015 Military Family Lifestyle Survey (2015 MFLS). Given the similar populations of DMDC's 2015 ADSS and Blue Star Families' 2015 MFLS, the purpose of this survey note is to provide a comparison of the findings and methodology of the two surveys. Several findings were found to be similar across the two surveys (e.g., the employment rate, top career fields, self-employment rates, licensure/certification requirements, and reasons for not working); however, some important differences emerged, including the spouse unemployment rate, desire to work and educational enrollment among unemployed spouses, and spouses' use of financial resources. Although both surveys provide insights into the experiences of military families, only findings from the 2015 ADSS can be accurately generalized to the active duty spouse population as a whole.
Fielding Year: 2015
Topic: Spouse & Child Well-Being
Produced By: R&R
Document Type: Report
Population: Active Duty, Military Spouse
Product ID: 2016-002